Slovak version

Ministry of Education, Science,Research

and Sport of The Slovak Republic

CZŠ sv. Jána Krstiteľa, Sabinov

Slovak Society of Electronics











in building and programming robots

for primary and secondary schools

RoboCup Junior 2012










S a b i n o v

March 22nd – 24th  2012

E V E N T   I N F O R M A T I O N

17th  annual contest in building and programming robots for primary and secondary schools


Contest goals: development of free-time activities, creativity, knowledge, and skills of young generation in the area of construction and programming of automation and cybernetics systems and control of technological processes.


Contest organizer:             Ministery of Education of Slovak Republic
          Slovak Society of Electronics


Local organizer:                  Christian primary school of st. John the Baptist, Sabinov

Contest director:                 Mgr. Peter Hužvár

Organizing committee:      Mgr.Peter Cehelský, Ing.Miro Kohút, RNDr.Ján Mintál, Matej Mézeš, Ing.Terézia Vargovčíková

Head of Jury:                       Mgr. Pavel Petrovič, PhD.

Date:                                      22. – 24. marec 2012

Venue:                                   Cirkevná ZŠ sv. Jána Krstiteľa, Sabinov

Contest categories:               Construction

                                                1. Building robot from a robotic set (participants bring their own) to solve a specific task

                                                RoboCup Junior:

                                                2. Robot Soccer (A or B)

                                                3. Robot Rescue (A or B)

                                                4. Robot Dance



In the category Construction, the teams will build, program, and debug/test their robot from their own robot construction set (its type is not limited) so that the robot will satisfy the requirements of the task specified after the contest will start.

The scoring will be announced at the start of the contest.

The Jury will take into account the differences of the construction sets used, if needed.


       Participants in all categories can come either from the primary or secondary schools, they will be evaluated separately. The same age limits as in the international competition have to be respected. 


      The RoboCup Junior categories will be played according the international rules (  with some restrictions/adjustments. The Robot Soccer games will last 2 x 5 minutes.


The best teams from Slovakia in the RoboCup categories advance to the 16th RocoCup World Championship in Mexico City, June 18th - 24th.,




Contest Time Schedule:


Thursday, March 22nd 2012 

until 12:00 – arrival, on-site registration,                                  accommodation

12:00 - lunch

13:00 – opening ceremony

        14.00 – category construction begins

18.00 – dinner

                                19:00 – construction runs

                                19.30 – social or robotic program


Friday, March 23rd 2012

  7:00 - breakfast

  8:00 - Soccer A

10:00 - Soccer B, Rescue

13:00 - lunch

14:00 – Rescue, Dance

18:00 - Dinner

20.00 – Final matches and presentations


Saturday, March 24th 2012      

  7:00 - breakfast

  8:00 – award ceremony

10:00 - departure


The time schedule is subject to change (we will try to be finished on Friday, if possible)




Registration link is provided at the contest organizer website

The registration fee for all categories is 0,- €.

The fee for food and accommodation is 28 € / person, payable by bank transfer to the account in UniCredit Bank, account number: 6601031002 /1111, include the school ZIP code in the payment details. IBAN: SK44 1111 0000 0066 0103 1002,  SWIFT (BIC):UNCRSKBX.



Other important information:


Every participant (or their parents) have to agree with publishing photographic materials, constrction details of their models, and programs used in their robots in order to allow other teams to continue and thus foster development of even better designs, programs, sensors, and technologies.


Every team should bring their own robotic constrction set for the category construction or their own robot for the RoboCup categories.


The number of teams per school is not limited. The number of members in team is not limited.

A team may participate in multiple categories, however, they should have enough man-power not to make trouble in the time schedule.


The organizing committee has the right to make modifications in the time schedule as needed. The local organizers will provide the accommodation, and meals in the school canteen, the venue, and the contest arenas for the registered participants.


The fee includes accommodation and food. The travel expenses have to be covered by the participanting teams themselves.


Shall any material loss be caused by improper behavior of the participants, they will have to be refunded. The organizer does not take the responsibility for the personal items and equipment of the participants.